Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pride of India


Today's topic is about one of the most, or perhaps the most, beautiful structures of the world, one of exquisite grace and ethereal beauty, an imposing monument embodying the noblest of human sentiments .. Love, the glorious edifice a glimpse of which, is a dream come true for many, including Bill Clinton, who as President on his visit to India, during his address to Parliament, exclaimed that, mankind could be divided into two categories: those who have not seen Taj, and those who have seen it, and that he was at last fortunate to belong to the latter category!  The Taj Mahal at Agra, which perhaps tops the latest list of Seven Wonders of the World !

    In translating this fabulous architectural dream into brick and mortar, an area 967 x 373 ft was excavated to a depth of 44 ft, where subsoil water was met. the entire area was filled with rubble stone in hydraulic lime, for the foundation. Over this, the plinth of Taj  313 ft square, 18 ft high, was built in stone in hydraulic mortar, with marble stone casing. Super-structure consisted of brick masonry in hydraulic lime-mortar with marble facing. the bricks were of Agra clay having 50 to 60% silica.

   The mail engg problem was to haul up the materials to reqd ht. A spiral pathway 40 ft wide, with a slope of 1 in 20, and 4800 ft long, was supported on wooden pillars. This lasted till the 240 ft high structure was completed. 500 carpenters and 300 blacksmiths were engaged on this alone. The mortar was hoisted by Persian Wheels by mules and bullocks. Marble was from Mekrana in Rajasthan , timber from Kashmir and Nainital areas. 2000 camels and 1000 bullock-carts were employed for carting bricks to the site, and, 1000 mules for lifting materials along the spiral platform.

    There are four minarets (pillars) on the four corners of Taj. It is interesting to note that three of them are out of plumb by two inches, and the one on southwest by eight inches, away from the main bldg; this was done on purpose so that, in case of earthquake, the pillars would fall away from the structure!  It appears that Mohd Isa Afandi was the Chief Designer and Draftsman of Taj Mahal. Other foreigners from Arabia, Persia, Syria, Baghdad and Samarkand, were also employed on its construction. At least one Frenchman  Austin De Bordeaux, a goldsmith, was also associated with the works.

   The precious stones used include 540 pieces of Cornelian from Baghdad, 670 turquoises from Upper Tibet, 614 malachites from Russia, 559 onyxes from Deccan, and 625 diamonds from Central India. The construction of Taj was begun in 1632 and was completed in 1650. It is believed to have then cost Rs 15 million. Two-third of this was contributed by State Office, and one-third from the State Treasury of the Province. 

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