Friday, July 8, 2011

Celebrity Quotations


" When in life, if any problem surfaces, no use lamenting the why of it.  Face it squarely, and  try your best to solve it. Do whatever is possible, or can and needs to be done. If however convinced that it cannot be solved, then, just learn to reconcile with it !  -   'Spring Leaves'    by  KMG

       Hello to all of you !      Somvaar Suprabhaath !

       Today are being given  some quotations of Celebrities.  Hope they would be  interesting.

       1.   Everyone thinks of changing the world.  But, no one thinks of changing himself ( or herself)                - - - - - -   Leo  Tolstoi

       2.   Believing everybody is dangerous.  But, believing nobody  is very dangerous.                           - - - - -- - -  Abraham  Lincoln 

       3.   Three sentences  for getting success :      (a)  Know more than others      (b)  Work more than others       (c)  Expect less than others       - - - - -- - - -   Shakespeare

       4.   Don't  compare yourself with anyone in the world.  If you do so,  you are insulting yourself !            - - - - - - - -  Alen  Strike

       5.   If someone feels that they had never made a mistake in their life, then,  it means they have never tried a new thing in their life !       - - - - - - - -    Einstein

       6.   In a day when you don't come across any problems -----  you can be sure, you are tavelling in a wrong path !       - - - - - - - -   Vivekananda

       7.   If you win, you need not explain.  But, if you lose,  you should not be there to explain.      - - - - - - - - -        Adolf Hitler

       8.   If we cannot love the person whom we see,  how can we love God  whom we cannot see?       - - - - - - - - - -   Mother Teresa

       9.   I will not say I have failed*  thousand times.  I will say that I discovered there are thousand ways that can cause failure.      - - - - - - - - -    Thomas  Edison
                                   (   * in finding a suitable filament for the incandescent bulb  )

       10.  Winning does not always mean being 'first'. Winning means, you are doing better than  you have done before.      - - - - - - - - - -   Bonnie  Blair

       11.  If you start judging people, you will be having no time to love them.       - - - - - - - - - - -    Mother Teresa 

       12.  Never break four things in your life :    Trust,  Promise,   Relation   and  Heart.   Because, when they break, they don't make noise, but pains a lot.   - - - - - -   Charles Dickens 

       13.  One who possesses the magnanimity of the river, kindness of Sun, and the humility of the earth,  is closest to  God    - - - - - - - -   Khwaja Moinuddin   Chisti 

       14.  The happiest people  do not necessarily have the best things.  They simply appreciate the things they have !      - - - - - - - - - -   Warren Buffet

       15.  We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,  while others judge us by what we have already done !      - - - - - - - -  Henry Wordswoth Longfellow

       16.  The realization of a Saint, is not that he sees something different at that sacred moment, but that he comes to see everything differently ever afterwards. - - -  Swami Chinmaya

       17.  It costs so little  to teach a child to love,  and,  so much  to teach him  to hate.      - - - - - - - - -    Father  Flanagan

       18.  Ego  promotes  turmoil, because  it separates you from everyone, including  God.
       19.  For great men, religion is a way of making friends;  small people make religion a fighting tool.        - - - - - - - - -    APJ  Abdul kalam

                    Well, that's  some food for thought !    Digest it slowly and assimilate it !

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