Thursday, March 31, 2011

Advaitha Vs Dvaitha


Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara Roopo
Vibhoor vyapya Sarwathra Sarvendriyaanaam
Sadaameh Samathwam Na Mukthir Na Bandham
Chidaananda Roopo Sivoaham Sivoaham.

( Sri. Sankaracharya : Nirvaana Shatkam )
( I am devoid of any qualities or attributes, and am formless. I am Omnipresent and
even pervading all senses (of perception and action). I am Changeless and Eternal,
and, beyond all bondage and deliverance. I am Siva (auspiciousness), Siva alone ! )

Hello everyone ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath ! So, Fri-Call is back again, and hope
it would'nt have frequent interruptions ( Avighna mastu ! )

It is said that Sri Anjaneya when asked by his Lord Rama what he has understood as
the quintessence of what he learnt, humbly responded that he was :
from the aspect of the gross physical body (Deha bhaava) "Thawa daasoaham" the
servant of the Lord; from the aspect of individual self (Jeeva bhaava) "Thwadamsam"
a spark, a semblance of the Divine ; from the aspect of Pure Consciousness ( Aaathma
bhaava) " Thwameh vaaham" he was none other than the Supreme Self Itself !

Sri. Anjaneya epitomized the three schools of thought in Indian philosophy: the first
being Dualism (Dwaitha) extolled by Sri. Madhwacharya; the second being Qualified
Monism (Visishtaadwaitha) of Sri. Ramanujacharya ; the third being Monism (Adwaitha)
the quintessence of Upanishads, re-established firmly by Sri. Sankaracharya. While some
believe that Prakrithi (Nature) and Purusha (Supreme Divinity), or, individual Self (Jeeva)
and Creator Godhead (Iswara), are two different Entities, Sri. Sankara thru his
exhaustive commentaries, and the forum of debate (samvaada) and discussion (charcha)
during his nationwide paada-yaathraas, established beyond all doubt that the Pure-
Consciousness, the Eternal, Changeless, Attributeless, Absolute Truth, the Paramaatman
or Supreme Soul, has to be One without a Second, and that the Prakrithi or Maaya
( Illusion ) is the dynamic and apparently changing aspect of the Supreme Self Itself,
within Its purview and control. The entire creation is nothing but a mere manifestation
of the One Supreme, just as the entire dream is nothing but a mere projection
of one's own mind.

Now, a poem from my book 'Random Musings'


Oh ye ! Thou hath the Treasure Infinite
In the innermost chambers of thyself.
Forgetful of it, why beg for alms,
Long for petty riches, or envy others ?

Thou art the Ocean deep.
Why clamour to catch the waves,
Or lament over the vanishing froth ?
Those are but specks of Thyself Infinite.

Excite not over the shining lights around.
The glittering lights blinding thy eyes --
They are but tiny mirrors reflecting Thy Light
Deluding thee that they shine themselves !

Clamour not for happiness from objects around;
They play hide-and-seek and cheat.
Know, thou hath within thee Happiness Infinite.
Thou art thyself Infinite Treasure, Beauty and Bliss !

Next, some of my thoughts from the book 'Pearls of Wisdom' :

In the most troublous times, what keeps one living and instils fresh energy,
is nothing but unswerving Faith in God.
* * *
Mere goodness without being tempered with Wisdom
would be like a body without spine !
* *
Affection is like a tender plant that needs continuous care and nourishment.
* * *
Life is coditioned by one's own propulsions, environment and circumstances,
and finally by Destiny Supreme.
* * *
Life is a delicate art, which if properly and diligently cultivated is conducive to
serene happiness. The art of life consists in how best we get on with others,
whoever they be, and, how best we can adjust and make ourselves happy,
in whatever circumstances we are placed by our Destiny.
* * *
There is nothing that is beyond improvement;
there is none who is beyond improvement

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