Monday, April 4, 2011

Para and Apara Vidya


Fearlessness, singleness of soul, the will to always strive for wisdom,
Opened hand and governed appetites, and piety,
Love of lonely study, humbleness, uprightness, heed to injure nought
which lives, truthfulness, slowness unto wrath,
A mind that lightly letteth go what others prize;
And equanimity and charity which spieth no man's faults,
And tenderness towards all that suffer,
A contented heart, fluttered by no desires; a bearing mild,modest and grave
With manhood nobly mixed, with patience fortitude and purity,
An unrevengeful spirit, never given to rate itself too high ---------
Such be the signs of him whose feet are set on that fair path
which leads to heavenly birth. - - - - - (Bhagavad Geetha)

Hello Everyone! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath!

As per Indian Scriptures, knowledge has been classified under two categories:
(i) The worldly (Aihika) knowledge (Apara Vidya),and (ii) Divine (Paaramaardhika,
Spiritual) knowledge (Para Vidya). The latter concerns the quest, the search,
the investigation for the substratum of the entire universe, and all that we
comprehend, including thoughts and feelings within ourselves. In short, the very
basis (Adhhishtaana) of everything external as well as internal. All other fields of
knowledge come under the first category, be it any field whatsoever.They delve
deep into,understand and explain not only all that is material, physical,phisiological
and psychological, about the individual, but also about everything external, from
the micro to the macro, extending to the galaxies and beyond. Yet, they do not
concern the inner core of the individual. They offer almost an infinite wealth of
knowledge, information, data, incredible gadgets and what not, concerning
everything, but yet not fully satisfying the individual, who still has ever unending
questions to ask. Nor do they bestow serenity and peace of mind, equipoise
and abiding happiness.
In contrast, the Divine (Spiritual) knowledge (Para Vidya) goes to the core of
the perplexing phenomena, and, the inter-relation between the individual self,
the Universe, and the so-called Creator. After thorough analysis of all conceivable
factors, it yields a grand synthesis leading to the Absolute Truth, the Changeless
and Eternal, the One Self-effulgent, All-illuminating Supreme Consciousness.
It reveals that the entire Universe, as well as the individual, are but the illusory
manifestations of that Supreme Consciousness.
Many an earlier Fri-Call has dealt with the above, while briefly presenting the
concepts of Advaitha Vedanta. At this juncture, I wish to convey that whatever
I had expressed regarding this, was but a humble attempt to transmit whatever
little I had imbibed concerning this, from my revered Preceptor, Poojya Guruji,
Advaita Vedanta Siromani, Sree Yellamraju Sreenivasa Rao garu of Andhra Pradesh.
A distinguished Sanskrit scholar (a retired Head, Dept of Sanskrit), and an eminent
propagator of the Advaita Vedanta (especially from Sree Adi Sankara's commenta-
ries) thru the Institution he had founded. Apart from being author of innumerable
books, a veritable treasure, on this Vedanta and allied topics, his eloquent, lucid,
crystal-clear expositions thru his erudite Pravachanams (discourses) on Upanishads,
Geetha, and other Vedantic treatises, continue to illumine and enlighten his many
listeners and disciples everywhere. I have been very fortunate to have had the
privilege of attending and regaling the nectar of his discourses. I hereby offer my
most humble Salutations to that Great Master.
May the knowledge of our great Scriptures, the commentaries of our illustrious
philosophers, and the enlightening expositions of our erudite scholars and Men of
Wisdom, continue to illumine our path of life, impart strength to face its challenges,
indicate to us life's supreme goals, and help us in achieving them. May our lives be
blessed with serenity, peace of mind, fulfilment and supreme happiness !

Now, one of my poems from 'Random Musings' :


Oh ye mortal! All life is a Divine Play;
Misery betimes and betimes bliss.
As time and destiny pull the strings
Doth thou play thy role assigned.

None can foresee what happeneth and when.
Seeming winners suddenly begin to lose,
And lo! Desperate losers swing round to win!
Whatever and whenever He wills, shall it happen.

Ay, know you for certain what is good for thee ?
Thy vision myopic proceedeth not much far;
In Him hence you trust, Him that knoweth all;
The Merciful Lord ever dispenseth good for thee.

Put heart and soul in duties thine,
With implicit faith in Power Divine.
The fruits of thy deeds, when and where
And how thou wilt gain, leave thee to His care !
- - - - - - - -- - - -
Well, anything that has begun, has to end. Fri-Call cannot be an
exception. It was begun exactly an year ago, on the last Friday of
September. Since then, a variety of topics have been touched, and perhaps
a lot of your e-mail storage consumed. However I sincerely thank you all for
the interest shown, and the occasional feedbacks. It had kept me engaged,
and I enjoyed the fun. I only hope you didn't get bored! Well, now the bell
seems to ring; time for the curtain to drop. I may not anymore flash the
"Sukravaaram Suprabhaath" messages.But even wirth no message in particular,
please just feel that I say to you all every morning with love: "Suprabhaath!".

Wishing you all all the best, in all your endeavours, at all times,
affectionately yours, Krishna M. Gutala.

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