Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gobal Warming


Today's topic is not only interesting, but also of colossal importance to humankind, in facing a mighty challenge that threatens the very existence of human life on this planet.  How humans, in their intellectual arrogance and sheer self-interest, have been ill-treating Nature mercilessly, and bringing about incredible problems. The subject of 'global importance'is 'Global Warming', about which the realization and awareness increased during the last decade, and more concretely brought to light by'Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore. Reproduced below are interesting facts presented by Mike Kiesius in apictorial presentation, under title of 'Ready to go Green', published in arecent issue of AAROP Bulletin. Simple ways in which we can, in our own humble way, can reduce greenhouse gas :

   While batling climate change, here is how much money each household could save a year and collectively how much greenhouse gas ould be reduced:

1. Dry half your laundry on a clothes rack instead of using a Drier. Savings per household   $ 45. Collective carbon dioxide reduction 8.7 million tons.
2, Use a more energy-efficient 2008 model Refrigerator insead of a 2001 model or older.   Annual savings per household  $63. Collective carbon dioxide reduction 11.8 million tons.
3. Turn down your gas hot-water heater from 140 to 120 degrees. Savings per household $ 60.  Collective greenhouse gas reduction   4.1 million tons.
4. Swith from 75 W incandescent bulbs to 19 W compact flourescent bulbs. Savings per household  $ 68.  Collective gas reduction  11.4 million tons.
5. Eat one-quarter less meat. Savings per member $ 169.  Collective  greenhouse gas reduction  1.9 million tons.
6. Drive car that gets 35 mpg instead of the national average of 25 mpg.  Savings per member $482 (at $3.30 per gallon).Collective carbon dioxide reduction 71.2 million tons.
7. Lower your thermostat by a degree in winter, and rise it by a degree in summer. Savings per household  $ 55.  Collective greenhouse gas reduction  7.5 million tons.
8. BONUS;  Plastic fleece. A synthetic Fleece pullover can be mae with recycled plastic bottles  instead of oil.What if every member bought one ?  Bottles recycled  975 million.
   Collective toxic emission reduction   130,000 tos.

   TOTAL  GREENHOUSE  GAS  REDUCTION :   116.6  million tons !

Well, that is what  WE can do.  Let us Do it !

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