Sunday, April 3, 2011

Atheists, Agnostics, Theists and Vedanthists


Om Thriambakam Yajaamaheh Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaath Mrithyoar muksheeya Maamruthaath

- - - - Mrithyunjaya Manthra, Rig Veda, Thaithireeya Upanishad

( We worship the three-eyed Lord Siva who exudes Divine Fragrance, and is the
Sustainer of growth and prosperity. May we be released from the jaws of death,
as effortlessly as does a ripe cucumber gets seperated from its stalk. But may we
not be ever deprived of Amrithathwa i.e., Immortality )
- - - - - - - - -
Hello everybody ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

Let us review very briefly the categories of : Athiests, Agnostics, Theists and
Vedanthists (including Mystics). A rainbow of topics! Different hues widely
varying like the colors in a spectrum.
Take the first category. The Atheist feels and asserts that he is a hard-core
realist, rationalist and pragmatist. An Atheist basically does not believe in the
existence of God or anything supernatural or Divine. He feels that religion, by
stressing on 'some God somewhere unseen and unverifiable' has weakened
humans, and diluted their resolve and strength. Their dependence on God
restricted their growth to its fullest potential. But when one argues that when
we observe the universe and its functioning, the rotations and revolutions of the
earth, the planets orbiting round the sun with such precision that even the exact
time of eclipses, comets and other astronomical phenomena can be accurately
calculated and predicted, and then this wonderful creation, the flora and the
fauna, the cycle of seasons, the cycles of birth and death - - - whether all these
phenomena, and a myriad other activities, events and happenings, can occur
without a Primal Operating Force or Agency, a Cosmic Intelligence, the Atheists
point to 'Nature', which they assert performs all functions. They say things happen
on their own. This argument is fallacious because Nature is inanimate (mere jada
padaartha, mere matter) and cannot function without an 'Intelligence' operating
it. One has to go deeper to find out that Intelligence behind Nature. The crux of
the problem is not whether one believes in God or not. If it comes to that, even
Advaithists do not believe in God ! They refer to an Omnipresent Universal
Consciousness which superscribes and permeates all the three: the universe, the
individual self, and, the Godhead, whereas the Atheists ascribe all life and activity
to inanimate Nature, which is irrational.
Then, the second category. The Agnostics do not entirely deny the existence
of God, as Atheists do, but are not so sure about it. Doubting Thomases but are
flexible and not fanatical! Ultimately, by perseverant reasoning, they can perhaps
be convinced to believe in the existence of some Divine Agency. The word
'Agnosticism' is stated to be coined by T.H. Huxley in 1869. Many celebrities have
been Agnostics in their beliefs and confessions, but difficult to gauge what could
have been in their heart of hearts !
Next, regarding Theists. They are in vast majority. A whole range, believing
from one to many Gods! They are religion-oriented, and mostly perform Saguno-
Upaasana (worship on Deity with name and form). Normally they are steeped in
Karma, Upaasana, Anushtaana, rituals, ceremonies and piligrimages. Much outward
paraphernelia. However, they are devoted to God, in whatever form it be, and
on the right path.
Coming to next category i.e., Vedanthists, especially Advaithists, they have a
clear-cut vision, superb reasoning power, and intent on the highest objective of
life. Everything is synthesised and incorporated into a Master-Matrix as it were.
Gnyaana Maarga is their path, and, 'Realisation of True Self' their objective and
ideal of their inward search. This has been dealt with in earlier Fri-Calls.
Mysticism almost borders on Advaitha, as the latter involves developing a
mystic view of life and existence, a mystic view of all creation, a total all-inclusive
and all-enveloping generalisation of all particulars, a vision of 'Saamaanya' (a broad
Universal Cosmic Awareness) absorbing all 'viseshas' (attributes and qualities). Even
the mysticism of the Sufis is said to come very near to the concepts of Advaitha.
Thus ultimately, all paths and 'isms' lead to a final process to achieve the
glorious purpose of our existence.

Now a few of my musings from 'Pearls of Wisdom' :

As a jewel covered with layers and layers of dust, does not reveal itself, so is
the Soul covered with layers ands layers of ignorance, ego, desire and delusion.
Knowledge and Wisdom, prayer and meditation, and, establishment of unflinching
Faith in the Supreme Divine, --- these brush off the undesirable layers, and reveal
the Pristine, Immortal, Omniscient and Omnipotent Eternal Self. That is the
purpose of the age-old enlightening Indian Scriptures. To subdue and eliminate
the animal in human, and let the Divine be rediscovered and glow in Him.
* * *
The first alphabet of every word associated with God, including even the
pronouns referring to Him, is always written as a capital letter. But, have you
noticed that the first person singular 'I' is ever written a capital letter? As tho
to remind that 'I' is verly 'Him' if only realised ?
* * *
Whoever we are, whatever we are,and wherever we are, we are all His creation.
His children. If there is anything which divides one from the other, and sets up
barriers, it is our ignorance. It is the same Light that shines thru all, thru all life
which is the creation. The purpose of religion can be no other than to stress this
basic underlying unity in this apparent world of diversity, and to feel and experience
His Omniscient Presence which vibrates thru every speck and atom of this universe.

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