Friday, July 8, 2011

Three of K's Poems


  " If one were to think of health needs of one's body and mind, better to know what our ancients said, that our physical body is constituted of the five primal elements: 'prithvi' (earth),  'jala' (water),  'tejus' (fire),  'vaayu' (air/wind), and 'vyoama/aakaash' (sky).  Hence, for proper upkeep, these five have to be considered. It is said that this implies five 'dharma-s / yagnya-s', concerning these, viz., 'prithvi dharma' (healthy, nutrient, saatvik food),  'jala dharma' (taking in 3 to 4 litres of water in a day, depending on exertion and age),  'tejoe dharma' ( vyaayaama or physical exercise, generating exertion and heat),  'vaayu dharma' ( praanaayaama ),  and 'vyoama dharma' ( prayer and meditation, for mental purification and tranquility ).  These five have to be a matter of daily routine, for a good life ".                

      Hello to you all !                                                                       Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

      Today I would like to give some poems of mine from  'Random  Musings' :

                                            THREE   OF   K's    POEMS

THY  GRACE  DIVINE                                     LIFE  A  DIVINE  PLAY

Me Lord,  let me be the flute                          Oh ye mortal !  All life is a Divine Play
In Thy Dexterous Hands                                Misery betimes  and  betimes bliss.
Through which  Thou Play                              As Time and Destiny  pull the strings
Thy  Music  Divine.                                       Doth thou play thy role assigned.

Let me be the brush                                     None can foresee what happeneth and when.
In  Thy Subtle  Hands                                   Seeming winners alas, begin to lose,
With which Thou  Paint                                  And lo!  Desperate losers swing round to win!
Thy  Scenes  Divine                                      Whatever and whenever He wills, shall happen.

Let me be the quill                                        Ay, know you for certain, what's good for thee ?
In  Thy  Poetic  Hands                                   Thy vision myopic proceeds not much far ;
With which  Thou  Write                                 In Him hence you trust,  Him that knoweth all.
Thy  Songs  Divine.                                       The Merciful Lord  ever dispenseth good for thee.

Let me be  the bowl                                      Put heart and soul in duties thine,
In  Thy  Graceful Hands                                 With implicit Faith  in  Power Divine.
In which  Thou Fill                                        The fruits of thy deeds,  when and where
Thy  Nectar  Divine.                                      And how thou wilt gain,  leave to His care.

Me Lord,  let me be blessed
By  Thy  Merciful  Love
And  serve  Thy  Purpose
By  Thy  Grace  Divine.

Decades back, when I had been to Arunaachala, to Ramanaasramam, and sat in the meditation hall therein,  I went into a reverie,  and the following lines flowed out of me :

                                                        AT   RAMANAA's    FEET

                                                    Oh !   Sage of Arunaachala !
                                                    When I come to thy altar
                                                    And sit to pray  in thy
                                                    Silent  hall of meditation,
                                                    Should I open my floodgates
                                                    Of unfulfilled  desires,
                                                    And  barter my  worship
                                                    For some earthly gains ?

                                                    This little  selfish  self
                                                    Packed with mundane wishes,
                                                    Craving for ephemeral joys,
                                                    Seeks  every  opportunity
                                                    To quench its insatiable thirst,
                                                    To feed its endless appetites,
                                                    And goes on asking ever
                                                    For the little things of life.

                                                    Oh Lord,  Let not I fall a prey
                                                    To these beasts of desires.
                                                    Let not me be enmeshed
                                                    In the sticky webs of 'samsaara'.
                                                    Let my grossness evaporate
                                                    As camphor at touch of flame.
                                                    Let the divine Light dispel
                                                    All gloom,  doubt and despair.

                                                    Oh,  Master  Divine,
                                                    I have naught to ask of Thee,
                                                    Save, pardon me,  one wish ---
                                                    Let me merge with Thee,
                                                    As doth the river with sea.

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