Tuesday, October 14, 2014


AN  ANALYSIS  OF  LIFE :   If we were to ask anyone "What is it that one would cherish and desire most in life?", the answer by a majority is likely to be  'Happiness'. Of course, there could be others who may say 'Love'.  However, apart from the above two, there is one other which is even more dear to anyone, to preserve which, one would go to any extent. That dearest possession, is 'Life' itself !  Self-preservation is the strongest instinct in any living being. Now, whereas 'happiness' and 'love' are definable and comprehensible entities, being an 'experience' and an 'emotion' respectively, we find that 'Life' is rather a complex entity, meaning different things to different people. Not only that. It is different things even to the same individual, at different times, at different places, in different situations, in different moods, under different circumstances, and, looking from different angles. Life is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional entity. One can go on jotting down one's  concept of 'Life', as one passes through different situations, and, different circumstances, and then, imagining what it could be, viewing from innumerable angles. I could figure out forty such angles (there could be many many more),  and here they are:  

                                       WHAT   IS   LIFE ? 

      01.   Life is an  Adventure.          - - - -     Willingly undertake it. 
      02.   Life  is  Fun.                         - - - -     Surely, enjoy it ! 
      03.   Life  is  a  Challenge.              - -  - -      Face with all might. 
      04.   Life  is  a  Game.                     - - - - -     Play  it  well.
      05.   Life  is  a Bubble                     - - - - -     May  burst anytime!
      06.   Life  is  series of Problems    - - - - -     Patiently  try  solving them.
      07.   Life  is  a  Dream                     - - - - -     Awake  from it.
      08.   Life  is  a  Temple                    - - - - -     Worship  its  Deity
      09.   Life  is  Ever-Changing            - - - - -     Search  for the  Changeless
      10.   Life  is  a  Fantasy                    - - - - -     Just  go  through  it.
      11.   Life  is  a  Circus                       - - - - -     Obey the  Ring-Master.
      12.   Life  is a  Long Movie              - - - - -     Think  of  the  Screen
      13.   Life  is  a  Rose Tree                 - - - - -     Look  at  the  flowers.
      14.   Life is series of  Struggles       - - - - -     Cannot  escape  them.
      15.   Life  is a  Merry-Go-Round     - - - - -     Enjoy its  ride.
      16.   Life, full of  Uncertainties       - -  - - -    Be  not  over-confident
      17.   Life is often a Nightmare        - - - - -     Bear  with  it  boldly
      18.   Life,  a  unique  Opportunity  - -  -  -     Avail  it  fully.
      19.   Life  is  a  Paradox                    - - - - -     Just  reconcile to it.
      20.   Life, alas,  an  Hourglass         - - - - -     Quantity  of  sand  varies.
      21.   Life  is  a  Vehicle                     - - -  - -    Drive it with all care
      22.   Life  is  a  Paradise                   - - - - -     Regale  quietly  its  bliss.
      23.   Life  is  founded  on  Hope     - - - - -     Feel  not  despaired.
      24.   Life is endless  'dwandwa-s'   - -  - - -    Try to be a  'Dwandwaateeta'.
          (pairs of opposites, like pleasure              (one beyond and immune to
          and pain,  success and failure etc)              dwandwa-s)
      25.   Life  is  a  Boat                           - - - - -     Steer  it  safe and well.
      26.   Life  is a  Battle Field                - - - - -     Fight with valor
      27.   Life  is  a Machine                     - - - - -     Operate it  with  care.
      28.   Life has  Ups  and  Downs        - - - - -     That's  the way it is !
      29.   Life, a game of snakes & ladders  - - - -  Take it easy.
      30.   Life  is  Unpredictable               - - - -  -    Be  aware of it.
      31.   Life  is  Impermanent                - - - - -      Its  very  nature.
      32.   Life, a spectacular Diversity     - - -  - -    Has an  underlying  Unity.
      33.   Life, a series of Exams               - - - - -     Answer  as best  as you can.
      34.   Life  is  a  Gift of God                 - - -  - -     Better  use it  properly.
      35.   Life  is a  Knotty Mess                - - - - -     Try  to  disentangle it.
      36.   Life  is  a  Gyroscope                   - - - - -     Keep  axis  towards  Him.
      37.   Life  is  a  Drama                          - - - - -     Play  your  part  well.
      38.   Life  is a  Kaleidoscope                - - - -  -    Keep  rotating  it.
      39.   Life  is  an  Illusion                       - -  - - -     Get  at  the  Truth
      40.   Life has a  Supreme Objective   - - - - -     Identify  and  Realize  It.
                                   Well, you see,  that is  LIFE !  
                                                                                                Krishna M. Gutala

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