Friday, March 29, 2013

Dr Andrew Thomas Weil

 Here are some details about the life of  this illustrious Doctor, the trailblazer of  Integrative Medicine.  Andrew Thomas Weil  was born on 08 June 1942 in Philadelphia, where his parents were operating a minor business, a millinery store. He received his medical degree MD from the prestigious Harvard University Medical School in 1968 after which he travelled extensively in South America from 1971 to 1974, under a Fellowship from the "Institute of Current World Affairs'. He published his first book "The Natural Mind" in 1972. 

        Dr Weil, dissatisfied with the way the modern Allopathic system of medicine is functioning,  made a thorough study of the various systems of medicine world over, in the west as well as east, and taking the best features from them, evolved his own synthetic approach, and became a pioneer in the area of Integrative Medicine, primarily with a healing-oriented approach to healthcare, encompassing body, mind and spirit. Soon, this attracted the attention of well established Medical Schools in USA. In 1994, he became Founder-Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, at Univ of Arizona. This Center leads the world today in developing a comprehensive curriculum in Integrative Medicine, and in training Doctors and Nurses  in that field, around the world. 

       Dr Weil soon became a celebrity and got instant recognition, including in media, for his innovative concepts, and his deep understanding of the self-healing potential of the human body. He appeared on the cover of the 'Time' magazine in 1997. In 2005 he was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He has been appearing on TV shows of 'Winnie Oprah', 'Larry king Live' and 'Dr Oz', as a Health Expert. 

       Dr Weil is the Editorial Director of the website 'Dr', and is the Founder and Chairman of  " The Weil Foundation", a non-profit organization to support training, education and research, in Integrative Medicine. All the royalties on his books are donated to this Foundation, which since 2005 had given out over  four million $ in grants and gifts. The list of his published books includes:  

1. Eating Well for Optimum Health  
2. Health and Healing   
3. Natural Health, Natural Medicine  
4.  8 weeks to Optimal Health   
5. Ask Dr Weil (complete series in one volume)    
6. Spontaneous Healing    
7. From Chocolate to Morphine     
8. Marriage of Sun and Moon  
9. The Natural Mind    
10. Essential Guide to Food, Diet and Nutrition    
11. The Healthy Kitchen   
12. Recipes for a Better Body, Life and Spirit    
13. Healthy Aging     
14. Spontaneous Happiness.     
15.  His most recent book:  True Food: Seasonal, Sustainable, Simple, Pure. 
Besides all the above, he is an internationally recognized Expert on  Medicinal Plants, Alternative Medicine, and, Reforms in Medical Education. This celebrated Doctor lives in Tucson in Arizona, USA.

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