Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guidelines For Good Health

                                                                                                                                         Dr. Krishna  M.  Gutala       

         There is often a comment or criticism that the modern Allopathic system of Medicine, and its preparatory ground of the Medical education, are more disease-oriented, heavily leaning on the curative aspect, rather than being health-oriented, with more stress on the preventive aspect.  Of course, we have to keep in mind the preventive steps of vaccination and inoculation to take care of at least some diseases. Also, one cannot underestimate the amazing advances achieved in Allopathic Medicine, especially in  the Surgical field,  and in dealing with any type of Emergency.  However, the preventive and health-promoting aspects  are given more importance in some indigenous systems like Naturopathy.  For example, in aspects like:  1. Living in tune with Nature,  2. Listening to the demands of the body,  and fulfilling them, and  3. strengthening the built-in defences in the body, to ably counteract the external aggression of infection and disease. These form the basic characteristics of 'Prakriti Jeevana Vidhaana' (Natural Way of Living), which is being spearheaded by one Dr. Mantena Satya Naraayana Raju, in Andhra Pradesh, India.  He postulated the " Pancha Dharma-s" to fulfill the above objectives.  These are:  1. Jala Dharma   2. Aahaara Dharma   3. Vyaayaama Dharma    4. Visraanti Dharma    5. Visarjana Dharma.  Let me give a brief explanation of these:     

        1. JALA  DHARMA :  Our body is 68% water. Water is needed to purify the five litres of blood, and millions of cells, in the body. For internal functioning itself, it is said to need about two-and-half litres of water. And, extra for works performed by the body.  Taking enuf water, is crucial for proper upkeep of the body, and the cells in it. 

        2.  AAHAARA  DHARMA :  This concerns what to take, when to take, and, what not to take, for breakfast, main meal, snacks and supper. All these are given later in a ten-point plan format. 

        3.  VYAAYAAMA  DHARMA :  In modern lifestyle, comfort-oriented, and with the innumerable gadgets, exercise  has become a casuality. This leads to many problems. Hence, adequate physical exercise  is must for maintaining good health. 

        4.  VISRAANTI  DHARMA :  Does not mean idle rest.  This implies not only rest for the tired limbs and muscles, but also the digestive system, after completion of digestion. For this, early intake of night-meal becomes essential. 

        5.  VISARJANA  DHARMA :  After the food essence is absorbed by the body, the waste has to be discarded, like the garbage in the house (else gets putrified). This necessitates proper bowel-movement i.e., internal cleaning. For this, the following would help:  (a) adequate water intake  (b) taking fibrous foods  (c) taking fresh fruits and vegetable juice   (d) early supper, and  (e) adequate exercise. 

        The above Pancha Dharma-s  can be put to practice by properly implementing the following Ten-Point Plan of ' Prakriti Jeevana Vidhaana ' :

        TEN - POINT  PLAN : 

        (1)  Drink enuf water that the body needs.  Begin with about one-and-one-fourth to one-and-half litres of water, soon after waking up early morning, before brushing the teeth (as insisted by the Japanese method), which induces the first bowel movement. Then, at intervals during the day, totalling upto about three to three-and-half litres (seniors two-and-half to three). Barest minimum be consumed during evenings and night. 
        (2)  Have a glassful of fresh vegetable juice (of snake-gourd, grey cucumber, bitter-gourd, ridge-gourd, and carrots, beetroot etc.) in the morning for breakfast. After about half-hour, have a small cup-full of fresh sprouts. In case bread is to be taken, avoid totally white-bread. Take only whole-wheat brown bread.  Oats cereal is also good. 
        (3)  For main meal, totally avoid white rice. Take only brown rice, or craacked wheat. Also, minimize  use of sugar, salt, oil, and punjent spices. Especially, salt and sugar, the latter implying sweets as well. While cooking, use raw grated coconut, sesame, and crushed groundnuts, which can provide oil to some extent. Fresh green pepper (hari mirch) be used instead of red-hot pepper powder (of dried mirch). Curd or buttermilk be used for gravy dishes. 
        (4)  For snacks, avoid fried foods totally, and junk foods. One can take raw coconut, sesame-cake, nuts and ripe dates. Minimize consumption of coffee, tea (prefer green or black), and avoid alcoholic drinks.
        (5)  Avoid taking water during and immediately after meals. Can take half-hour before, or, half-hour after, meals. Otherwise, the hydrochloric acid in stomach, gets diluted, and delays digestion.
        (6)  Positively avoid taking cool or frig water with meals. Lukewarm water be preferred in small quantity. In general, iced drinks be avoided.
        (7)  Always, take fruits only on empty stomach. Prefer fresh fruits to juices. The fibre in fresh fruits helps bowel movement. Also reduces the incidence of colon cancer.
        (8)  Avoid heavy evening meal.  Also better have it by 7 pm, or atmost 7-30, so that the stomach gets rest after about 10 p.m. 
        (9)  Have adequate physical exercise, either aerobic, or brisk walking, at least five days a week. Asana-s and  Pranayama are good, for proper mind-body upkeep. They have been well-proven tecniques  since ancient times.
       (10) Have about seven hours of sleep every night, during which time, the body's internal cleaning takes place. Also body would have rest, and gets charged as it were. It also increases the level of the growth-hormone, a critical vitality booster.
                  The above is the Ten-Point Plan  of  the  Prakriti Jeevana  Vidhaana. 
       1.  Walking :  Ideal exercise for aged people. 45 mins to 1 hr (min half-hour for very aged people) of brisk walk at least 5 days a week. Organs of the body have their sensory touches at  the bottom of one's foot. Walking puts pressure on them.  Advantages of walking: 1. Reduces risk of heart disease.    
2. Keeps wt under control.  3. Improves blood cholestrol levels, as also glucose regulation. 4. Prevents and manaages high BP.  5. Helps manage stress and depression.  6. Increases muscle strength.  7. Helps prevent chronic illnesses in aged peopple. 
       2.  Best to drink a little warm water or soup after meals. Cold water solidifies any oily stuff, and affects digestion. The sludge lines the intestines, and  leads to ailments, including cancer. 
       3.  In using cell-phones, do not use them when battery is down to the last bar, as radiation would be high. 
       4.  Get 15 to 20 mins sun every day when possible, for a dose of vitamin D. Else take 1000 i.u. Vitamin D, and 1000 mg of Calcium daily.  Insufficient  Vitamin D  causes auto-immune ailments and heart problems
       5.  Obesity leads to variety of ailments. Eat right food, and avoid becoming obese. Exercise also helps in this. 
       6.  Green Tea : Rich with anti-oxidants. Has long-term health benefits like: Reduction of heart disease. Helps prevent Alzheimers and Parkinson's disease. Also, reduction of bad (LDL) cholestrol.  Soothes skin and prevents skin-cancer. 
       7.  Beetroot juice :  Helps control of BP, and minimizes other BP related problems. Hence,  better to  drink a glass of beetroot juice daily, especially those that have the BP problem. 
       8.  Checkup of BMI :  Occasionally find out your BMI (Body Mass Index) which = ( W/ HxH ) 703 , where W=wt in lbs, and  H=ht in inches.  BMI better be  <24.   In general, if BMI is 19 - 24  less risk.   25 - 29  more risk.  Equal to or > 30  high risk.
       9.  Eight super-foods for better health :  1. Sweet potatoes   2. Grape tomatoes   3. Fat-free or 1% milk    4. Broccoli    5. Whole-grain brown bread. 
6. Microwaveable or 10 min brown rice.    7. Citrus fruits      8. Spinach and  Kale
      10. Basics of Miracle Diet :  Eat or take  1. Plenty of fruits and vegetables,    2. Nuts (especially walnuts),     3. Healthy fats (like extra-virgin Olive oil), 
4. Red wine in moderation,    5. Whole grains (bread, pasta, rice),     6. Beans (dried beans, peas, lentils),   7. Leafy greens  like  spinach. 
      11. Go Bananas :  Never put bananas in frig.   Bananas  1. Give instant boost of energy.    2. Help overcome or prevent many illnesses like  anaemia, BP, constipation, depression,  hangovers etc.   3. This potassium-packed fruit boosts brain power.    4. Helps calm nervous system.     5. Helps in neutralizing  over-acidity  and  reduces stomach irritation.  
      12.  Tomatos  (fruit-cum-veg) :  Not only guard against several types of cancer (prostate, lung, breast),  but also may reduce risk of heart disease,  osteoporosis, or even diabetes.  Its healing power is in its Lycopene, a powerful anti-oxidant, neutralizing free radicals.  Tomatos lower bad (LDL) cholestrol.  Apart from Lycopene, there is also Octa deca dynoic acid  which also lowers cholestrol, and fat in blood stream. Hence have 3 or 4 servings in a week. 
      13.  Seven Don'ts  after Meals :  NO  1. Sleeping    2. Smoking    3. Bathing    4. Belt loosening    5. Walking (till 1 hr)     6. Fruits    7. Tea or coffee. 
      14.  Six Foods to keep one young:  1. Olive oil   2. Yogurt   3. Dark chocolate   4. Nuts   5. Blue berries    6. Red wine. 
      15. Eight Foods that control Fat: 1. Almonds  2. Strawberries  3. Cinammon  4. Mustard   5. Oranges   6. Soy beans  7. Sweet potatoes  8. Swiss cheese 
      16. Nine Foods for Longevity:  1. Tomato  2. Olive oil  3. Red grapes/wine  4. Garlic  5. Spinach  6. Whole grains  7. Nuts  8. Blue berries  9. Green tea 
      17. Four Anti-Cancerous diets:  1. Blue berries  (rich in anthocyamins to reduce tumor growth)   2. Broccoli (to reduce gut cancers)    3. Spinach (high in Infolate, guards against DNA mutations)     4. Tomato (protects against  skin cancer). 
      18. Five best Anti-oxidants (body's de-toxifiers which absorb bad cholestrol):   1. Red kidney beans     2. Cloves      3. Bell peppers  (esp red & yellow)  
4. Vitamin C  (citrus fruits)  and  Vitamin E  (dry fruits and nuts)     5. Tea  (green or black)
      19. NEVER  microwave  food in other than  GLASS  or  CERAMIC containers. NEVER in plastic ones, or covered in plastic wraps.  Also, use microwave for rapid heating only, and not for long cooking of main dishes. 
      20. Formula 80  for Longevity ! :   To live  >80 years,   implement the following:   1. Keep abdominal girth < 80 cm.    2. Keep lower BP reading < 80  
3. Keep bad cholestrol (LDL) level < 80      4. Keep pulse rate  < 80 per min     and   5. Keep fasting blood sugar < 80. 
           To add to all the above tips, I would add one of my own :  Out of the time you spend on  TV, either for Serials, Sports or News, if you can take away from it, if not one-third, at least one-fourth, and listen to good MUSIC, then, I feel pretty sure,  those who have BP,  will have better readings,  and, those who have  Diabetes, will have lower blood-sugar readings. And those who fortunately don't have both, are less likely to get them ! 
      In spite of all that has been said above, none should underestimate the Supremacy of the Allopathic system of Medicine, with its amazing and incredible advances, especially in the field of Surgery, its innumerable Super-Specialities, its mammoth Infrastructure, and its superb handling of any type of Emergency. As also, its extensive field of pharmaceutical research, turning out newer medicines to tackle any ailment. Plus the vast chain of big hospitals, both public and private.  It is indeed a vast Regal Empire, spreading all over the world. One may all along follow, and stick to, any System of Medicine ,be it Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, or any other. But, at some stage or other, would ultimately knock at the door of Allopathy.
                                                     B U T
      know that these other systems of Medicine (prominent among them, the Naturopathy), help you immensely to keep body and mind in  fairly good shape, fully tap the self-healing capabilities of the body, and, prevent it from becoming easily vulnerable to infections and ailments. They help the body to be in a fit state to effectively wage the battle against the aggressor of disease, as much as possible. To that extent, they are extremely useful. But not a total alternative or substitute for Allopathic system. They are of a complementary nature, serving well their purpose of strengthening body's defence potential, and enabling one to a fairly healthy and happy lifestyle. However, it is mostly found that, at some critical stage, one would say 'Hands Up', and rush to the nearest Hospital. 
In any case, that shows the instinctive  'struggle for survival', in any species, human or otherwise. 
Well,  try  our  best,   and  then    to  God   leave the rest !
[  The above narration is the text of a talk by Dr. Krishna M. Gutala  at  ICC, Cupertino, California  USA, on 27th April 2012. The material has been collected from various sources, including  Web / Internet   ]  

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