Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fun Quiz Answers

1. Anil and Gopi won the Doubles Tournament in Table Tennis Championships. Next day was the report in Newspapers re the event.  The Report read :" In the State Table Tennis Doubles Championship played yesterday, Anil     and     Gopi  won the Doubles event ".  While reading it, their friend  said:'In the news item, the space between Anil and and and and and Gopi was left too much'.       
2.     297 x 18 = 5346.  This equation covers all numbers 1 to 9  each once.       
3.   3 flowers and  4 butterflies                    
 4.  'I will be hanged'       
5.  STARTLING      
6. 2519. In this, when divided by 10, remainder is 9. when by 9, it is 8. When by 8, it is 7, ... and so on till when by 2, it is 1.       
7. First taken to Brahma 7. Takes away 6 from there. From Vishnu's feet,  takes away 4.       
8. In every word, if the first letter be transferred to the last, and when read  from right to left, it is the original word itself.

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